Submission guidelines
Submission guidelines
- Paper title: uppercase, 14, bold, centered
- Name and surname of the author/authors: lowercase, 14, bold, centered
- Name and surname of the author/s in footnote: (font size 10) with the academic title, name and address of the institution, address and e-mail of the author/s.
- Abstract: not exceeding 500 words.), in Macedonian and English
- Paper: in English or in Macedonian
- Format: B5 (JIS), Margins (Top = 2.54, Bottom = 2.54, Left = 2.54, Right = 2.54)
- Text: Paper length 6 - 12 pages with attachments included. Font - Ariel with Macedonian language support for Macedonian (except for abstract in English), and Ariel with English support for papers in English. Microsoft Word, font size 12 pt, spacing single.
- References: throughout the text and at the end are cited according to APA style.